Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bluefin Tuna's are endangered in the Mediterranean ocean

Over many decades, humans have an immeasurable impact on the enviornment and the living things that reside there. Humans are so oblivious towards their actions that they do not see what the concequences are to what they are doing. We as humans do not see the bigger picture to how we are destroying an ecosystem. We take advantage of what we are granted with around us and overuse it until we realize that it is so close to being extinct, which is already too late. This type of human behaviour has resulted in numerous organizations trying to make a difference.

There is an organization that is recognized by many people called the Greenpeace. The Greenpeace had made a choice to help the Bluefin Tuna's that were endangered inside a massive purse seine net in the Mediterranean bluefun fishing vessels. Greenpeace's intentions were to launch inflatable boats from their ships into the Rainbow Warrior and Artic Sunrise and submerge one side of the net to free the tuna trapped within. Many complications were encountered during this rescue. Other tuna vessels in the area were frightened by their activist which lead to a large number of major and minor incidents that occurred. One activist, who was evacuated for emergency care, was seriously injured when the spike of a grappling hook was stabbed straight through his leg. Other incidents that transpired included flares that were fired directly at their activisits, two of their inflatable boats were slashed with knives and one sank after being rammed and then run over by fishing vessels, and another inflatbale was badly damaged along with several activists that needed to be rescued from the sea.

The Greenpeace organization suggest that the Mediterranean region's bluefin fishery must be closed immediately to allow bluefin tuna time to recover from decades of overfishing. Purse seining, a type of fishing method, could be the blame for this decline.

Greenpeace is making an effort to shut down this fishing operation to protect our oceans and the future of the bluefin tuna. Greenpeace feels the need to take action since politicians and fisheries managers refuse to. If current fishing rates continue, this may result in the disappearence of bluefin in as little as a few years.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna's population is decreasing

The current Atlantic bluefin tuna population is less that 15% of what we had before the beginning of industrial fishing activities. Globally, over 90% of large fish, have disappeared from our oceans.

Greenpeace is asking that oceans management, even the Mediterranean be reformed to accomodate a fully-protected network of marine reserves covering 40% of the world's oceans.
Greenpeace defending our Mediterranean

Greenpeace is making an effort to ensure healthy oceans and ample fish stocks for future generations. This step is necessary to try and restore our oceans and fish stocks back to a healthy rate.
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  1. The Greenpeace organization suggest that the Mediterranean region's bluefin fishery must be closed immediately to allow bluefin tuna time to recover from decades of overfishing. I agree with this, overfishing can cause a serious problem to the food chain because many other animals may depend on the bluefin tuna.

  2. Seeing the reactions and the effects towards the activists show what these people are capable of. I completely agree with you when you explain how Greenpeace is giving in effort to shutdown such fishing vessels. I cannot imagine what commitment and effort it must take to fight against these types of people. Trying to restore our oceans and fish stocks back to a stable rate is a difficult task. What Greenpeace does is amazingly inspiring. Thank you Melanie for making me aware of who and what Greenpeace is.

  3. Greenpeace is asking that sea management, even the Mediterranean and beyond sea be cool to work with a fully-protected network of sea stocks covering 40% of the sea.
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